Sunday, 31 October 2010

How to Remove Thrush Naturally and Safely

Recurring thrush affects around 50% of all women who have thrush. Here, you'll discover why this figure may be so high, what thrush is, and how to prevent recurring thrush from damaging your health over time.
First, let's look together at what thrush is and what causes it...
Thrush is used to describe a yeast infection in women, particularly in the mouth or vagina. Originally, the term 'thrush' was only used for oral yeast infection, but so many people nowadays use it in the more general sense.
The symptoms of thrush (yeast infection) are most often caused by microscopic fungi in the body called Candida albicans. These are quite naturally found in our bodies and normally don't pose any risks, as our good bacteria keeps them in check. But when the good bacteria becomes depleted for any reason, the Candida fungus can 'overgrow' and cause thrush symptoms to appear.
Now let's see what other underlying causes of thrush there are...
In order for the Candida fungus to overgrow, we've already talked about friendly bacteria depletion, but there are other major reasons why the yeast-like fungus can grow. These are things such as a lowered immune system, hormonal imbalance, some drug usage, too high blood sugar levels, etc. So you can see why things like an unhealthy diet, stress, pregnancy, illness, diabetes, antibiotics overuse, steroids, drugs, etc., can all contribute to thrush.
We can now look at mainstream treatment to try to prevent recurring thrush...
You are probably very familiar with the creams, lotions, pessaries, sprays, etc., that you can get over-the-counter or by prescription. And you might also be aware that, whilst they work in time for many people, for many others they don't. Some reasons for this are the nasty side effects, the fact the these drug-based meds only attack the local symptoms and not the root cause(s), and, the fungus becoming drug-resistant. This is why so many women get recurring thrush.
Which is why so many more women and men are turning to natural remedies to prevent recurring thrush...
For example, natural yogurt that contains beneficial bacteria can be eaten every day and applied locally over the affected area, including inside the vagina. But it has to be the unsweetened kind with no fruit or other additives, just plain. For inside the vagina just coat a tampon in the yogurt and leave in overnight.
Apple cider vinegar works by adjusting body pH which can help to prevent fungal overgrowth. You can drink it diluted to taste to combat gut fungi and /or as a douche diluted with warm water to fight the Candida fungi in and around your vagina.
Another very popular thrush remedy is raw garlic. Garlic has strong antifungal properties. Eat every day to take care of the fungi in your gut, and crush into a paste to coat the affected area, including the vagina, to fight the fungi there.
These are just three of very many natural remedies to prevent thrush that you can try out. But although they have proved effective, you need to seriously consider more natural options including, for example, some important dietary and lifestyle changes, in order to prevent recurring thrush from causing serious health risks down the road.

Sex With a Yeast Infection?

Let me get straight to the point: Are you still having sex even though you have a yeast infection? Yes? Well you have to be crazy! Don't you know the damage you are causing yourself and your partner? You'd better read on...
First off, you need to know that sex in itself doesn't actually cause an infection. O.K. then -- I hear you ask -- why can't I keep on having sex with a yeast infection? Well, the answer to your question is that, although it doesn't actually cause the infection, sex will 'transfer' the infection between sexual partners. This means that your partner then ends up with a yeast infection too. And, here's the good part, they will actually pass it back to you again!
The outcome of all this is that both partners end up with infections that are almost impossible to cure, simply because it is being passed back and forth during sex. Even if one of you manages to clear-up the symptoms, the infection will certainly return via your partner. In other words, you both now have recurring yeast infections that will eventually seriously damage your health, with each subsequent infection getting worse and worse.
The first thing you need to do to break-out of this horrible and dangerous vicious cycle is to stop having sex with a yeast infection. Don't shout at me! I'm only the messenger! It's a fact that you need to stop all sexual activity to even have a chance of you both curing your infections. And don't think you can get away with using a condom, because the spermicide can actually help trigger an infection (see below).
But, of course, I understand that if you're going to abstain from sex with a yeast infection, then your cure better be as fast as possible, and lasting. So let's look at your mainstream drug-based treatments first...
You probably already use, or are aware of, the over-the-counter and prescription remedies that the vast majority of sufferers take to help relieve their symptoms. These are things like pessaries, creams, lotions, sprays etc. But did you know that of the 75% of women who will suffer a yeast infection in their life, about 50% of those will have recurring yeast infections, threatening to seriously damage their health?
Why is this figure so high? This number is so high because these types of remedies only attack the symptoms, not the root causes of yeast infections. Plus, the yeast infection fungus (Candida albicans) that produces the symptoms can become resistant to the drugs over time. And, of course, many folks stop taking them anyway, because of their nasty side effects, and even their cost.
Basically, although these drugs can get rid of your symptoms over time, there is nothing to prevent your infection returning unless you address the underlying causes. These are issues such as out-of-control diabetes, antibiotics overuse, steroids (e.g. inhalers, body-building), poor diet (too much sugar and carbs), contraception including oral, weight, stress, etc.
And so this is why sufferers are increasingly turning to, and successfully using, the benefits of natural home remedies for yeast infection that can target the above issues. And some of these, or a combination of these, natural remedies can work very fast; which you definitely need if you're abstaining from sex, right? Don't worry, you can get all the information you need in one place, without having to scramble all over the internet (see below).

Look Younger, Feel Younger, Live Younger

When I was young, my mother instilled in me the importance of feeling good about myself. She certainly knew the value of building one's self-esteem and helping me build confidence in what I do. She stressed the importance of quality grooming each day, she made sure I showered or bathed and took care of the basics, and she also taught me the importance of wearing clean clothes...properly pressed...even if I was wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt. She once told me that if I liked what I saw in the mirror...things would go better for me that day...that little comment stuck...even today, if I feel I look good it really bolsters my self-esteem and builds the confidence within myself. One of the key ingredients for success is having a good self-image of who you are!
As you can see, my desire for aging gracefully started at a very young age. I'm almost 60 years old, and yet I've been told by many that I look much younger. I'm grateful for the makes me feel good when I hear them. My goal for many years has been to live life as young as I can for as long as I can. Now with that being said, I'm grateful many say that I look younger than my age, I certainly feel younger, and I strive to live younger every day of my life.
Throughout my life, I've recognized the value of consistent exercise, eating the right foods, having a positive mental attitude, and making good health choices. If you really want to live younger, feel younger, and look need to be aware of what's going on in your life and be open to those things around you that can make a difference. Most of us know that eating right, getting daily exercise, and getting proper rest are essentials to a healthy and youthful lifestyle. However, most people are so close-minded that they don't give a second thought to scientific discoveries that are changing the way we age. Most people's skepticism keeps them from discovering new breakthroughs in science that aid us in being and feeling more youthful.
Are you one of the masses that just brush off what could be the greatest discovery since man landed on the moon? If you are, that's your choice, but if you're open-minded and curious, I'd like to share with you perhaps the greatest discovery in years for regaining and retaining your youthful appearance and that lost vitality you once enjoyed. Top scientists have discovered ways to reset and re-balance our aging genes, both internally and externally, changing the way we age forever. Please visit for more information on these breakthrough aging discoveries.

Yeast Infection After Intercourse

If this is your first yeast infection after intercourse and neither you nor your partner were aware of any infection at the time, then nobody can be blamed. But, if you've had an infection after intercourse before, then it's your own fault. But don't worry, here, you'll learn the link between intercourse and yeast infection, and the 5 steps to take to prevent recurring yeast infection.
First, let's look at the causes of yeast infection (Candida) so that we can better understand why you can get an infection after intercourse. The cause of the symptoms of Candida are the result of a fungus called 'Candida Albicans' which resides naturally in our bodies, especially in the dark, warm, moist areas; e.g. vagina, etc.
The Candida fungus doesn't usually get a chance to 'overgrow' into an infection because the body's good bacteria keeps it in check. But, under some conditions, the body's good bacteria can get depleted allowing the fungus to feed and grow. These are things like, antibiotics, poor immune system, steroids, hormonal imbalance, contraception, high blood sugar levels (e.g. diabetes, stress, diet), medications, etc.
There are two things about yeast infection with regards to intercourse. The first is that, although Candida cannot be caused by sex, the infection can be transferred during intercourse. Secondly, during sex the delicate tissue can get torn and bruised; exactly the conditions that the Candida fungus loves to take root in.
So the outcome of having regular intercourse is that you run the risk of damaging the soft tissue, particularly in the female. And if any of the above underlying conditions are also present, then you have a high risk of triggering an infection.
Of course, if you continue having sex, you then transfer it to your partner. And it can be transferred back to you again, and so on, in a vicious cycle. This makes it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to prevent recurring yeast infections from seriously damaging your -- and your partner's -- health.
So here's how to tackle the problem...
1. Stop having intercourse. This has to be the first step, otherwise anything else you do will be a waste of time.
2. If this is your first yeast infection, go visit your doctor for a proper diagnosis.
3. If you've already had Candida and are totally aware of the symptoms then you can go straight to step 4.
4. Once properly diagnosed, start on your treatment. This can be prescribed or over-the-counter medications, or, natural home remedies, whichever you prefer.
5. Once the yeast infection has cleared up completely, and I mean completely, only then begin to have sex again.
In terms of the mainstream drug-based treatments, what many people have been finding, is that although their symptoms might disappear, all too often they come back again. This is most probably due to the drugs only attacking the localized symptoms not the root cause. And the Candida fungus can become drug-resistant with repeated use.
So natural remedies for yeast infections are an alternative that more and more women (and men) are successfully turning to. Discussing the natural options available to you isn't the purpose of this short article, but you can get all the information you need in an online report that you can download straight to your computer. See below for details.

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Look At Some Natural Painkillers

Pain could be of various types. From a mild headache to extreme pain in the joints, an individual may suffer from various sort of pains. Thankfully enough, there are pain relieving medications that may ease out pain and offer respite. While these medicines are effective, they do come with many side effects. Some of these side effects incorporate nausea, diarrhea, stomach upset, sleepiness and the like. In case you don't want to handle these side effects, then using natural pain killers may be a brilliant idea.
If you are looking for natural pain relief, olive oil is one of the best choices that you have. This natural substance works in the same way as many other Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs). In fact, numerous studies reveal that the pain killing capabilities of olive oil are at par with ibuprofen. If taken on a regular basis, olive oil can lower the risk of blood clots, cancer and Alzheimer's disease. To add on, you can use olive oil for high cholesterol too.
Yet another strong natural painkiller is turmeric. Turmeric contains a substance known as curcumin that helps block body pain. This substance is also popular to treat swelling, which is one of the most outstanding reasons behind pain. Further on, turmeric is also recognized to prevent the neurotransmitters from transmitting pain signals to the brain. Though this spice may be used to heal various kinds of pain, it is most advantageous for rheumatoid arthritis and back pain. It's recommended that one must consume 400 mg to 600 mg of turmeric thrice every day to ease out pain. You may think about adding turmeric to hot milk for instant pain relief.
Did you know that human saliva can work as an effective painkiller? If a recent research is to go by, saliva could be six times more powerful than morphine. Saliva consists of a substance called opiorphin. This substance is considered to be as strong as morphine. There's ongoing research to use opiorphin to develop a category of pain killers that could ease out pain without causing any undesired side effects. This substance might also be used as an anti depressant in future.
Fish oil also works as an excellent painkiller. It contains omega 3 fatty acids that help block the production of inflammatory chemicals like cytokines and leukotrienes. These substances are responsible for creating pains in the body. You may use fish oil for cooking purposes to include it in your every day diet. Fish oil offers various health benefits too.
So, do not rush into popping pills for alleviating pain in body. Merely make use of the given natural pain killers and watch your pain disappear very quickly.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Slove Of The Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms

Psoriatic arthritis is a particular issue that occurs in some people who have the chronic skin condition called psoriasis. It can be likened to rheumatoid in the effects on joints, however, most individuals have a milder form of it. Psoriatic arthritis symptoms consist of both the joint problems and skin issues and can lead to other psoriatic arthritis symptoms also. At present there is no cure for psoriatic arthritis or just psoriasis, there are a wide range of treatments that can be used to lessen the symptoms. Is it noted as a chronic disease and it can result in more health complications if left untreated.
The most common psoriatic arthritis symptoms affect the tips of the fingers or toes. However approximately 20 percent may experience problems with the spine. A very rare type of psoriatic arthritis is names 'psoriatic arthritis mutilans' and focuses on the joints resulting in more severe destruction.
The skin condition called psoriasis presents as scaly and rough usually on the parts of the knees, elbows and scalp. The scaly areas are red or silvery gray in their color. Of the people who experience the skin condition psoriasis, which is approximately 30 million people in America, about 8 percent of them will experience psoriatic arthritis symptoms.
For men and women the condition affects both equally and usually happens in the 30-50 years old age bracket. For a small number of sufferers the joint problems of the arthritis occur before the problems of the skin condition. In general the course of psoriatic arthritis is mild and will be limited to only a small number of joints.
Modern medicine does not have a cure for psoriatic arthritis. The approach of treatment is usually individualized for the person's symptoms, to achieve the best possible outcome. The disease can vary from individual to individual with variance on factor such as remission and flare ups, so these facts must be taken into consideration. Every individual is different and an approach to treatment should be tailored to your individual requirements.
The goal of treatment is to decrease psoriatic arthritis symptoms such as the joint problems and associated pain along with preventing further degeneration. It can be liken to treating two distinct disorders with the arthritis and the skin condition being treated individually. The skin is commonly addressed with topical or oral medications. A key issue is stopping secondary skin infection in individuals with skin irritation due to psoriasis. For those seeking non medical approaches, natural sunlight with it's UV rays has been noted to assist some peoples skin condition.
The psoriatic arthritis symptoms of the joints are treated like any other forms of arthritis with aspirin, anti-arthritis drugs and other medications. Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs as they are commonly referred to, are used to manage pain and swelling of the joints. There are a whole range of natural substances that have been shown to be helpful in inflammation. High doses of fish oil have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. The use of curcumin which is a derivative of the root turmeric has been showing good anti-inflammatory responses in the body, along with the long time used devils claw or cats claw herb.

Learning About The Removes of Asthma

Asthma is a type of illness that can totally change the way you live for the worse! According to studies, the number of people who are gasping for breath, as well as, coughing and wheezing due to asthma has been steadily rising in the past four decades. People who have asthma have low tolerance for triggers such as smoke, dust and certain allergens. These triggers set the inflammatory process in motion, thus, identifying inflammatory triggers and using natural asthma home remedy, instead of the conventional medications available, will raise thresholds to reduce the frequency and severity of asthma attacks.
Natural remedies vs asthma medications
According to health experts, medications used to relieve or manage asthma symptoms are mostly steroids based and can lead to several new illnesses, whereas, remedies that contains only natural elements can effectively control asthma, but without the harmful side effects that these prescription drugs contains. So what's the big deal about using natural treatments versus prescription drugs for asthma? Now you already know.

Exercises and fasting
Following the laws of nature as an for asthma home remedy is very vital. Air, sun and water are proven to be great healing agents. Correct posture, light exercises, dry climate, fresh air, breathing exercises, regular fasting once a week and occasional enema can do a great deal in treating the disease.

Vitamins and diet
Make it a point to include vitamin C, E and magnesium supplements in your daily meal to help in fighting the negative effects of harmful free radicals that is brought about by asthma attacks. Your daily meal should also include foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that can reduce lung inflammation.

Learning your different options as to what type of asthma home remedy is best suited for you is highly suggested. You conduct further researches about it through the internet.

Asthma Treatment


Aside from being very costly, asthma medications can lead to several diseases due to its steroid content. It may be true that asthma drugs is very effective in preventing and treating attacks but they can also cause serious side effects such as tiredness, occasional dizziness, loss of interest in sex, feeling of despair and damage to the liver just to mention a few. This is the reason why nowadays, asthma natural treatment is increasing in popularity due to its effectiveness in treating the disease without causing harmful result to the patients.                                      
One of the significant reasons of using natural medication is that the side effects are eliminated because they contain natural mechanism to soothe the body and restore it to a calm state. Unlike the pharmaceutical drugs that only trick the body's immune response system and do not really address the root cause of the problem.

Today, more and more patients are choosing yoga as one of the many options in asthma natural treatment. Some yoga disciplines are centered on breath control which many asthma patients finds very beneficial to their condition and over all health. It effectively relaxes both mind and body, thus reducing stress and often done indoors where the air is warm.

In addition to that, swimming is also considered to be a good exercise that can help asthma patients a great deal. While swimming, the warm moist air in the swimming pool is less likely to trigger symptoms of asthma.

There are also ingredients that you can easily find such garlic, licorice, ginkgo biloba and many others that are also good asthma natural treatment. Don't forget that your diet also plays a very important role in reducing your asthma attacks. Always consult your health care provider for any natural treatment that you are planning to take.

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Know The Risk Of Products Like Anti Ageing Pores and skin

Surprisingly there are dangerous chemical elements in sonumerous  individual items.You might be shocked by this however the unfortunate reality is that it actually is quite correct.Indeed regrettably the products that you and i receive for granted every single daytime can in fact be dangerous to your well being.Here's just some of these goods:Pores and skin Treatment Goods.Private Deodorants.Cleansers likeCleaners Curly hair shampoos.Antiaging Items.These may contain severalgoods for  illustration makeup, pores and skin treatment items,shampoos and trains, deodorant and anti-aging items, plus considerably a lot more.Deodorants Pores and skin Care Goods Anti --getting older Products ShampooSoaps  Makeup Lipsticks Mineral Fat.You can discover Mineral Fat in so several of our private products.Mineral vegetable oil is truly a petrochemical solution. Which indicates it originates  from acrylic. Crude fat. It's a a byproduct of distilling crude oil.
You may know mineral fat by a variety of other titles, for illustration liquid paraffin, white mineral acrylic, petrolatum, paraffin vegetable oil, liquid petroleum jelly or other folks.You'll come across mineral acrylic in tons of numerous items.Mineral fatcan be discovered in a wide assortment of stop getting older epidermis care products such as moisturisers.Sadly mineral vegetable oil is not that wholesome for you. Really should you search at the world wide web web page for mineral oil at the Makeup Safe practices Repository you'll see it is linked with allergy symptoms, immuno accumulation, cancer malignancy, organ program accumulation and irritation to the eyes, skin and lungs, amongst other items. Now don't right away presume that if you are utilizing any of your personal items that include mineral fat you'll get cancer malignancy. This just signifies
that there are pros who believe that there's a chance of contracting cancer from the use of mineral oil on the skin color. The threat is there, it doesn't suggest it'll take place.Now as with all of these items there are quite a few various thoughts, and there will usually be specialists employed by the corporations that create the items that sustain that these kinds of substances are safe.Would you consider a chance with your well
being by believing the experts who say there isn't any chance, or would you favor to err on the aspect of excessive caution and not take any hazards for your well being?Now allows contemplate yet another element that may pose risks for your well being one. Parabens Parabens actually are a substance that are common in a quantity of our merchandise as a preservative, and they are quite excellent as a preserving agent. But are they protected? Once again let's pay a visit to Aesthetic Security Databases and see what they say.The phrase Parabens is a catchall for a team of substance ingredients. There are in fact a selection of different parabens, so nowadays I have made a decision to speak about Butyl Paraben that is linked with an variety of wellness issues which include reproductive toxicity and most cancers in the Beauty Safe practices Repository. It's also current in a significant quantity of personalized items.Like I talked about previously you will come across a
range of various viewpoints relating to this, but the specialists at the Aesthetic Security Repository alert us that
we might be using health risks making use of items that include parabens.And of training course there are extremely powerful options to equally mineral oil as effectively as parabens that can be utilized correct now, which do precisely the exact same job and are protected for the wellbeing.So the actual query is why aren't these alternatives used in the common goods?Mineral vegetable oil will charge you following to nothing at all, and parabens are also quite low cost. These organizations use substances like these because they're incredibly affordable, and extremely considerably less costly in contrast to protected and natural alternate options.Now take into account a single other part found in so quite a few antiaging skincare merchandise along with other private merchandise.It's known as Propylene Glycol.Propylene Glycol is present in practically a thousand stop-getting older pores and skin items, and almost one  thousand pores and skin lotions, if you think the plastic security repository. And if you browse by way of the repository you'll observe that Propylene Glycol is quite alarming things. The database offers research connecting it to neurotoxicity, cancer and immunotoxicity and considerably more. Needless to say the suppliers of the goods will seek to dispute this , but who would
you favor to feel? Are you geared up to consider a risk with your health or would you somewhat err on the facet of caution?So when much more, just like with parabens and mineral vegetable oil, you may possibly like to steer clear of items that have Propylene Glycol as an component. All of this is open to dispute certainly, but would you somewhat steer clear of goods which are discovered to contain this scary chemical until it is recognized that it is safe? Or are you ready to acquire risks with your well being until eventually it is been
proven to be harmful, retaining in thoughts that it might be very late.Propylene Glycol is normally present in
antifreeze, and when folks have to function with it the EPA polices demands that they wear goggles, gloves and clothing to avoid get in touch with with the pores and skin. You might be unconsciously getting it onto your epidermis these days.It's correctly doable at this time to purchase pure skin color attention products, pure make-up alongside with other personal products like shampoos and soaps that do not consist of risky inorganic elements and which are completely efficient at doing the career.And remarkably these merchandise
cost at most the identical as the massive brand names simply because the model identify firms will need to issue so several expenditures into the cost of their products due to all that television promoting.Why not consider spending some much more time on the world wide web finding out this. Learn far more about dangerous individual goods, you may be shocked in what you come across.