Sunday, 31 October 2010

How to Remove Thrush Naturally and Safely

Recurring thrush affects around 50% of all women who have thrush. Here, you'll discover why this figure may be so high, what thrush is, and how to prevent recurring thrush from damaging your health over time.
First, let's look together at what thrush is and what causes it...
Thrush is used to describe a yeast infection in women, particularly in the mouth or vagina. Originally, the term 'thrush' was only used for oral yeast infection, but so many people nowadays use it in the more general sense.
The symptoms of thrush (yeast infection) are most often caused by microscopic fungi in the body called Candida albicans. These are quite naturally found in our bodies and normally don't pose any risks, as our good bacteria keeps them in check. But when the good bacteria becomes depleted for any reason, the Candida fungus can 'overgrow' and cause thrush symptoms to appear.
Now let's see what other underlying causes of thrush there are...
In order for the Candida fungus to overgrow, we've already talked about friendly bacteria depletion, but there are other major reasons why the yeast-like fungus can grow. These are things such as a lowered immune system, hormonal imbalance, some drug usage, too high blood sugar levels, etc. So you can see why things like an unhealthy diet, stress, pregnancy, illness, diabetes, antibiotics overuse, steroids, drugs, etc., can all contribute to thrush.
We can now look at mainstream treatment to try to prevent recurring thrush...
You are probably very familiar with the creams, lotions, pessaries, sprays, etc., that you can get over-the-counter or by prescription. And you might also be aware that, whilst they work in time for many people, for many others they don't. Some reasons for this are the nasty side effects, the fact the these drug-based meds only attack the local symptoms and not the root cause(s), and, the fungus becoming drug-resistant. This is why so many women get recurring thrush.
Which is why so many more women and men are turning to natural remedies to prevent recurring thrush...
For example, natural yogurt that contains beneficial bacteria can be eaten every day and applied locally over the affected area, including inside the vagina. But it has to be the unsweetened kind with no fruit or other additives, just plain. For inside the vagina just coat a tampon in the yogurt and leave in overnight.
Apple cider vinegar works by adjusting body pH which can help to prevent fungal overgrowth. You can drink it diluted to taste to combat gut fungi and /or as a douche diluted with warm water to fight the Candida fungi in and around your vagina.
Another very popular thrush remedy is raw garlic. Garlic has strong antifungal properties. Eat every day to take care of the fungi in your gut, and crush into a paste to coat the affected area, including the vagina, to fight the fungi there.
These are just three of very many natural remedies to prevent thrush that you can try out. But although they have proved effective, you need to seriously consider more natural options including, for example, some important dietary and lifestyle changes, in order to prevent recurring thrush from causing serious health risks down the road.

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